Saturday, July 14, 2007


When I say fall....I don't mean the season. As many of you know I am a bit clumsy. I tend to fall alot. Well thursday was no exception. The day started off well. But as I was doing some online work for American Mobile, I took a sip of water and choked on it. I spent 10 minutes in the bathroom choking (all the while, Madison was asking for a tastycake), and then threw up. (TMI) After I survived that near death experience I decided to take a walk with Clifford and Madison. I was going well UNTILLLL.........I tripped on the sidewalk. In very slowmotion I fell to the ground and skined my OTHER knee. I actually laid there on the sidewalk for a couple of seconds feeling really goofy and just waiting for Tom Cruise to ride by and rescue me.....he does that alot I read. But instead, Clifford started to lick my face, Madison was screaming, and the people inside the house were laughing. I got up, brushed myself off, and limped home. I gave up after that and took a nap.

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