Sunday, August 12, 2007

Sorry the posts have been pretty sporadic lately....but we have been very busy trying to get settled. Alex makes settlement on the house this Friday. Its weird how they do things here. You actually have to have a face to face meeting with the seller and sign all the paperwork together. So, unless something else comes up last minute, the house will be his on Friday. Then the fun begins. He has BIG plans for the house so it will take a couple of weeks before we can move in. He starts school on the Monday after settlement so that should be interesting. He lucked out and only has school Monday-Thursday.
Madison is now registered for school. She starts on August 28th. Her school is in the Perkiomen Valley school district which is supposed to be very good....there is a dairy farm across the street from her school and corn fields surrounding the school. Her school is called PV South. She takes a reading test next week then they will show her around. She's VERY nervous and misses her friends.
As for me....nothing new. Alex goes into the city this week to get his books, look for his classes, etc. We are all going to take the train together and split off. He and Madison will go to Temple Univ and I will do some exploring in the city. Then we will all meet up for dinner later. It should be fun.

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