Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Weight Watchers

Went to weight watchers yesterday and lost another 4 pounds. YEA!!!!! I'm on my way. I'll tell you what, I fell better than I have in recent months. I know I have about 80 more to go, but I fell lighter.

The leader yesterday asked everyone what brought them into Weight Watchers......I had lots of answers.....feeling bad, can't run with Madison without falling apart, my knees hurt. But the answer I gave her was this....... A couple of weeks ago I had to try on some clothes for an event coming up. Now, for months, even years, I have avoided full body mirrors. I LIKE the mirror in my bathroom. It only shows me from the neck up (all three of my necks!). This is a good look for me. I don't see all the other stuff. But then the 3 way mirror betrayed me. I tried not to look, but it was in this dressing room that I thought....."the problem with being fat, is that you look fat". Now, I know this is not rocket science.....but for someone that avoided mirrors, this was HUGE! For the last couple of months, years, I figured "hey, I'm not married, I'm not looking to be married, why should I care how heavy I get". But that kind of denial doesn't last forever. Eventually your body gives up on you and you get heart troubles, diabetes, etc.

Now, I know I will never be as skinny as my beautiful LA friends, Sharon, Andrea, Marianne, etc. These are all LA girls. Skinny there is a whole different type of skinny. But I'm striving for a healthy weight, and the ability to look in a three way mirror!

Phillies game

I was invited to go to a Phillies game last week. My cousin had four tickets and after scraping the bottom of the family barrel, asked me if I wanted to go. (actually I volunteered myself) I don't really follow baseball all that much, as many of you know, football is my game. But, I was eager to go. I remember fondly growing up and once a summer going to a Phillies game. My memories are of Vetern's Stadium. "The Vet", was a HUGE round stadium that was home field for baseball and football. My dad would buy tickets once a summer for our 4-some and we would also go to another game with all my cousins. We never had good seats. Always the 700 level seats....wayyyyyyyy up at the top of the stadium. We would dehydrate, get burnt, but always have a great time. We never were allowed to buy anything as the food was "too expensive". One year, my cousin worked at a local news stadium, and we actually got a tour of the locker room, dug-out, etc. The Vet was a terrible stadium, but I have many fond memories of summer's there.

Now, the new field is called Citizen's Park! Its a pretty new stadium, that is just for baseball....and boy is it beautiful! I went to the game with my dad, uncle, and cousin. My cousin was 2 hours late picking us up for the game so we missed the first fact, we missed the whole first innning....but lucky for us, the first inning lasted 45 minutes. It was College night at the ballpark, otherwise known as "dollar dog night". Thats right folks....the hot dogs were $1. So, apparently, this is the night that all the local college kids come out to the ball park. It was a preey roudy crowd let me tell you.....rowdy for a baseball game that is. But we had tons of fun....and the money we saved on hotdogs went to beer and soda.

The thing I noticed about Phillies games vs Dodgers or Angels games is the difference in crowds. The folks all around us were so nice and talkative! That would never happen at a Dodger game. At a game in LA, you take your seat, nod politely to the people around you and never say a word to them. But, here in the city of "brotherly love", the people around you actually talk to you! Not only do they talk, by the end of the game, you know everything about them. It was amazing! Now, I'm not saying that in LA the people aren't as nice. I'm sure all of you have experiences where you went to a game and the same thing happened, but I'm telling you, this was different. By the time the guy next to me left, I knew all about his kids in college, where he lives, what he does for a living, his shoe size! This was definately something new and exciting.

By the way ladies....I never realized how cute some of the baseball players really are!


Update on our princess:

She's doing great! She is really enjoying her new school, although it seems alot harder than Anza. I always had a feeling that Anza was too easy because she is really getting hard, hard, homework. Maybe its 4th grade.

She started to ride the bus this week. The first day went well. I introduced myself to the bus driver and explained we were new. I told Madison to keep an eye out, because she is the second stop in the afternoon. Do you think she remembered? Of course not. I was standing at the bus stop at 3:28 waiting for her. The big yellow bus pulled up, the other kids got off, the bus driver started to close the door, then she saw my terrified eyes. The bus driver started to yell, "where's the new girl?" She repeated this several times...........Now, I'm out on the street and can see Madison on the bus.....she was just sitting there talking to her friend ignoring the bus driver, AND ignoring me waving my hands like and idiot! The bus driver asked me her name....and only after she yelled her name....did Madison get off the bus. That could have gone worse I guess.

Soccer started on Saturday....after one practice she was a little rusty. The league she's in, isn't as agressive as what we are used to. I guess thats a good thing, but I'm not so sure yet. There doesn't seem to be alot of discipline on the team. So, we'll see.

Girl scouts starts soon; the wife of her soccer coach is the Girl Scout leader. I'm hoping the new troop isn't as crazy as the last one!

So, not much else....she's missing her Cali friends, but is loving life here as well.
It's been a really long time since I've updated this! The weather here has really feels like fall now. It was 48 degrees this am! The pumpkins, mums,scarecrows, and hay are out in people's yards. The fall festivals are in full bloom. Its sweatshirt and jeans weather. Considering I'm still wearing the same three pairs of shorts, I had to got out and get some fall clothes. I HAVE fall clothes, but they are still in storage.

The house remodel is moving slowly. Things are happening, but not as fast as I would like them. The floors are pretty much down, the heating and air conditioning replaced. The landscaper has started to remove the forest of weeds around the house. Next week the windows go in....I think. Our only problem is finding a painter. The estimates we are getting are sky high. But we will make our final decision on that tomorrow. The only thing that won't be done when we move in is the kitchen. We are having difficulties finding cabinets to fit in our small kitchen. But, I think we have narrowed it down, but it will take 4 weeks for them to be here! UGH!!!! Alex says we can move in without the kitchen being done since I really don't cook anyway. We have a fridge in the basement and all we need is a little microwave and we can make do. We'll be eating pizza everynight!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Another day another point

What a difference a day makes! I don't know if its because it was raining yesterday and I had been listening to Carrie Underwood or what, but today is a much better day. It's BEAUTIFUL out today. Its starting to feel like Fall. My dad and I have come to a truce. He will always be the guy that buys expired meat, and I will always be the crazy daughter who won't eat it.....but we now accept that an have learned to live with it. We hugged it out today!

So, Fall is approaching and with it are lots of community days, fall festivals, etc. Everywhere I go there are posters for weekend festivals. The fat Amy loves festivals! The new 6 pounds lighter Amy is wary! So, I am stocking away all my extra points during the week for the weekend funnel cake, etc. I am busy eating lots of carrots and one point granola bars right now. Its pretty amazing how bad I had become until last week. Everytime I would go into a Wawa or other fast food type store, I would buy something. Now, I carry around a granola bar, piece of fruit, and a small packet of 100 calorie M&M's in my purse at all times. Its pretty depressing. I wonder what will happen in a couple of weeks when I go to Vegas. I think I will have to starve the week before and the week after!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Alex who?

For all of you who were wondering how Alex is making out.......he's busy right now with school. In fact VERY busy. Then on the weekends he is busy with house stuff AND school. We don't see him much because he is still staying in Delaware County with my brother. Things will be a little better for him this weekend as he is going to Atlantic City for a bachelor party!

A disclaimer

Thanks Lola and Christy for making me feel better today. Again, I just want to point out that I love my family! And crazy as it seems, I love being here in this fascinating state. I guess the rain made me a little crabby today!

Confessions of an overeater!

So, as I mentioned in a previous blog, I started weight watchers last week and so far so good. I got weighed in this am and lost 6 pounds, so I only have 80 more to go. I am feeling good about it. But as you all know, losing weight is a difficult thing. We all have to figure out what went wrong to begin with. For me, its just plain over eating. I will eat all day if you let me. Sometimes, I have a mouth full of food and don't know why. That's why weight watchers is good for me.

But, with any diet you have to make major lifestyle changes. My biggest challenge right now seems to be my dad trying to sabotage my efforts. Now, again...............I love my parents.

I don't know if any of you have tried weight watchers.....I have and love it. As some of you know I lost about 60 pounds a couple of years ago on it. The problem is....I've gained it back plus some. And its because someone like me NEEDS to be on it all the time. I am an over eater. So, you go to the meetings, weigh in, talk, etc. You don't have to by any food from weight watchers. That's the good thing about it. You just go home with your points calculator and figure out all your points values.

So, for me, the over eater, I need to have LOTS of low fat snacks handy for when I need them. So, I gather that I have probably spent close to $200 in the last week on tasty low fat items. And its working.....I've lost 6 pounds in my first week!!!! But, my dad looks at these low fat items with the same disgust I have for his expired foods. So, I bought the foods, loaded up the fridge, and put my dry snacks in the basement. But, every time my dad opens the fridge he grumbles about all my "shit" and "crap" in there. When I bring a new find home (which in weight watcher world is HUGE) he grumbles about it. I can' t always hear what he's saying but its not in a friendly tone let me tell you that.

My parents have a huge freezer in the basement that could easily hold 2 bodies in it. So, instead of being rude and clogging up their kitchen freezer with my stuff, I put it down in the basement in a bag off to the side so all my stuff would be in one place. Well, the day after I did that, I went down to get something, and when I opened the door, imagine my surprise that all my foods were out of the bag (bag actually gone) and scattered all over the freezer. Not only that, some of the boxes were bent and crushed. I don't know exactly what happened in that freezer but it looked bad.

Then, when he mentioned that my brother would be coming for dinner on Tuesday night with his fiance (who by the way is the daughter they never had) I asked if I could cook dinner. My only reason for this was so I could keep it low fat and healthy. I figured I could make a tasty Spaghetti Bolegnese for dinner using ground turkey. He was pretty thrown off by this turn of events and a little annoyed. I now know (thanks to my brother) that, he plans these dinners for Prince Nick, long in advance, and this is my dads time to shine, because as you know, no matter how bad the food may be, Prince and his Princess eat it without complaint (or as in my case, they don't push the food around on the plate). I didn't mean any harm by this, I was very kind and polite when I asked him.

He asked me "where are you going to get the meat?" I replied "at Giant". (a VERY good, reasonable supermarket here) Well, that's when he went into a little tirade......."I'll buy the meat at Aldi's....there's nothing wrong with the meat there". Now, you all know how I feel about Aldi's. A couple of weeks ago he served Turkey breast that was black in color from there. It wasn't burnt, just black! So, I just slinked off quietly.

As it turned out, I'm not able to cook after all. Madison has soccer so I won't be there. But, he showed me the $2 ground turkey. Now, again, I had two options, to keep quiet or mention the fact that it had 350 calories and 17 grams of fat per serving. Being a trouble-maker I did the latter. See, I can't eat that on a daily basis....I get 33 points a day.....a cup of pasta is 5 points. A serving of that turkey would be 7 points! For 7 points I might as well eat regular ground beef. But of course my parents don't know this, or really care. My mom is a twig, and my dad is a diabetic that puts Splenda in his coffee but eats 2 sandwiches for lunch. I calmly explained the above, and said "its ok, I'll just pick up some leaner meat from the market for next time". That's when my mom said, why don't you just eat less of the fat laden meat. Now that is a great idea if you not an overeater. With the leaner meat I can eat twice as much and not even lose that much taste when I'm done cooking it. In the end they both made me feel bad for wanting to eat healthy and not have a heart attack at age 36. The one thing I loved about moving home was that I could be fat and not have anyone look at me like I was the devil. But, ironically the minute I moved home, I wanted to lose weight.....go figure!

Its no wonder that I'm an over eater!

Alien in my homeland part 3

I now know why I stayed in LA for so long and lived there quite parents.....Now again, let me preface this by saying that I love my parents with all my heart. And I am VERY grateful for them taking me in while the house is being remodeled. I know that its difficult staying with your parents as an adult and despite what you may think, I am polite and nice to them at all times.

But, I get the feeling that I am an alien to them. Example: as I've mentioned before, my dad tends to shop in places where the price never goes over $3. He shops for his meat at an auction or a place called Amelia's that sells out of code (but frozen) meat. He shops for the rest of his stuff at Amelia's or a place called Aldi's. Now don't get me started on Aldi's. Its a no name brand place that sells everyday stuff for below market cost, except with their own labels. The food there is terrible. But, the meat is even worse. I don't know what happened to my dad....he was always a little cheap, but not as bad as in recent years. But, living in CA as most of you know, I was able to avoid the cheap, out of code foods. But, living in his house has brought me face to face with the out of code stuff. And to make matters worse, I've started weight watchers again and REALLY need fresh,yummy,low calorie stuff around.....but I'll get to that in another post.

But today it hit an all time low. I went into the fridge to grab some mustard for a sandwhich when I noticed that the mustard had an expiration date of 10/06. Thats right people.....a WHOLE year ago. So, I stood in the kitchen for several minutes and try to decide what to do.....should I just put it back and not say anything, or tell my parents about it. The problem with ignoring it is that if I do that, and I go out to get fresh mustard, I will hear about it anyway. So, I took the "stirring up the pot" route and VERY nicely mentioned to them that the mustard was a year expired. Well, if you could have seen the look on their faces! It was if I had just landed here and slapped them in the face. It was a look that said "what are you to good for the expired mustard". In fact thats pretty much what they actually said. It was pointed out to me that the expiration date was only a sell by date and did not reflect how good the mustard actually is. According to both of them, there is "nothing wrong with the mustard as long as you leave it in the fridge". And even better, "well, Nick (my brother) eats it and doesn't have a problem with it". There my friends is the problem with my parents (among other things) brother with eat expired foods and suspiciously cheap foods without complaint. He DOESN'T complain. Amy complains! I am most definately an alien to them. Someone that went off to California and whom they have nothing in common. Someone who is toooo good for their expired foods.

The thing is.......its true. I did go to California and change. But, they have to remember that I left PA when I was 20 years old. And I left because I never felt like I fit in here. So, now my question I belong here now? I am thinking yes.....because for the most part I am loving it here.........I think it will be better once I get into the new house. I hope!


For all you Madison fans out there....Madison starts soccer today. She originally didn't want to play but once school started and she met a whole bunch of new friends, she warmed up to the idea. Her first practice is today, and first game on Saturday. I don't know if she'll play on Saturday since she hasn't been practicing much. She's excited though, and I'll keep you informed. She's made lots of new friends at school and loves it there. The schools here are a little advanced compared to Torrance's schools but she's catching up.

Oh....since my computer meltdown last week, I'm unable to download pics at the, be patient with me.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Bridal shower stuff

My brother is getting married in couple of weeks, so this past weekend was the bridal shower for his fiance. Madison and I have the pleasure of being in the wedding, and so far it has been pretty calm. No bridezilla stuff. In fact, I love my new sister-in-law to death. She picked out flattering dresses of a pretty color. She is really laid back and worrying more if everyone else is going to be happy. She's not your typical bride.

So, after weeks of planning, the bridesmaids were able to pull off a surprise shower.......despite the fact that I was filling out the bridal shower invites while she was on the couch next to me.

It was a beautiful shower, lots of good food and nice guests. She got LOTS of new stuff. I was appropriately jealous.....a little mix of envy (for the new stuff) but happy for the new bride. As many of you know....I am in no mood to be married again. And since I was married already, nobody turns to me and asks...."when's your turn". So, I avoid the pity looks from the old people.

But, as is my life, the day could not go without some sort of drama. I have to start by telling your that all my clothes continue to be in storage. I have 3 pairs of shorts, a jean skirt and a couple of shirts that I wash and recycle. So, last week I went out and bought a new outfit and shoes. I bought a black skirt, black and cream top, and some black strappy heels. I pre-viewed the outfit for Madison last week and she told me that the top was an "old lady top". I replied that when you are as fat as I am, there isn't much of a selection. So, after that I previewed the outfit for my mom. So......she knew exactly what I was going to wear to the shower.

So, imagine my surprise on Saturday morning, when she came downstairs wearing an outfit so similar that you had to squint to notice the difference. She was wearing black PANTS, a black and cream top with a very similar design, and black strappy shoes. I was shell-shocked! Now, I'm no fashionista, but I know enough, that if you are arriving together from the same house, that different outfits are in order. Plus, my mother has more clothes than Queen Elizabeth in her closet. Also, my mom is 5'10 and about 109 pounds. She isn't the heavy set, 36 year old woman in old lady clothes. She actually looked really nice. Even my brother, who wouldn't normally notice such things, noticed it right away.

So, this being MY mom, I didn't say anything, and just pouted all the way to the shower. Then over the course of the 4 hours, whenever I would stand near her, people would comment, "don't you two look cute, you're matching". I wanted to shout "this isn't a Laura Ashley catalog and I'm not 7 years old!". But, of course, simple decorum and manners prevented me from actually saying that. After about 3 hours of the comments though, I finally spoke up and said "well, I did show her my outfit last week, so she knew what I was wearing". I thought this would get a good laugh. But, my mom looked horrified, and all her friends were aghast. One of them said...."you both look cute". So, I slinked off into the corner. When another person mentioned it again later, my mom said "DON'T GET HER STARTED" and stomped off. I'll tell you what....if I hadn't started back on weight watchers last week, I would have had a few very stiff drinks.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Stranger in my homeland....part 2

I just wanted to clarify for all you lovely people back in CA......I am not living in Philly. We moved to a community 45 minutes outside the city....maybe an hour if the traffic is really bad. So, all these stories involve people that have no idea about anything outside their very small lives. Now, I'm not saying I live in a hole.....but its not even as big as Torrance was. Not even half as big! So, as Lola has pointed out.........there are many more like minded people in the city....just not out here in the sticks. I guess it would be like if I had moved to Riverside.....except without the heroin.

A stranger in my homeland

Moving back here has been relatively easy. I've settled in quite nicely. I am no longer the largest person in the room, the one with the least amount of makeup, or the one with Target purse. Everyone has welcomed me back with open arms and kindness. I feel at home here.

Then why to I feel like an alien sometimes? Maybe its the looks I get from my parents when I question why they buy their meat at a meat auction?! Or the look of confusion when I don't want to eat expired foods that they bought at a local discount store.

Perhaps its the look I receive when I ask people what they love about their Vera Bradley purses. Or maybe its the look of shock when I ask someone about a new movie.....apparently people don't really go to the movies here like back in LA. They wait months for the DVD or pay-per-view. They are much more interested in the Phillies or Eagles.

My cousin Carl asked me the other day what I missed about LA. And for the life of me I couldn't really think of anything except for my friends. But then, after thinking about it longer I realized I missed better dining opportunities. When I said this, he kind of looked at me strange. The thing is, if you want pasta or sandwiches............this is the land for it. But if you want Chinese, Mexican, Thai, or just healthy.....this is not the place for it.

I also miss my single friends. Now, I'm sure there are lots of single women around here my age, but so far I haven't come across any. Ladies.....if you were feeling bad about being single in LA don't. This is not the place to be single. People are married here....for better or worse (although I think most for the worse and are just hiding that fact). So, everywhere you go, people are couple up. I get sort of a pass because of my divorced with child status. But still, I see their pity, and I feel lonely when they are sitting in couples.

I'm also not as conservative as the rest of my family. My dad for instance knows that I don't particularly agree with the views of the current White House, yet he has Fox News channel on everyday. Of course its his house, so I don't say anything, I don't even try to have a dialogue about it.....but he tries to bait me.......tries to throw out the craziest ideas about current events and its hard for me to keep quiet. So, when we have a dialogue, he looks at me like I am a complete stranger. So, does the rest of my family if you must know. I mentioned that Hillary Clinton might not be such a bad president and was almost hung up to dry by several members of my family.

But for all the stares of confusion that I get, I am still glad I'm here. I love it here.......if only to stir up the pot a little bit.

Attack of the shower curtain

My parents shower keeps attacking me. The shower in their house is small and cluttered. My mom, god love her, has every shower caddy known to man in that shower. Plus, she has some sort of cleaning device that sits on the shower head. This makes it so the water can only be sprayed in one direction.........the very back of the shower. Meanwhile the shower caddies are bumping you on the left. But the true torture is the shower curtain. While living in CA, I complained about shower doors all the time. In LA, shower doors are the norm. There really aren't any shower curtains. I would complain about the doors because they were hard to keep clean. I would go on and on about shower curtains and how lovely they were. Now I'm home and I almost died the other day because of a shower curtain. You see, my mom's shower curtain blows into the shower while you are in there. So, as you are soaping up the shower curtain keeps blowing in and sticking to you. Then you try to turn around and bump into on of the may shower caddies. Then, because you can only reach the water supply in the back of the shower, you get stuck to that part of the curtain as well. Meanwhile, the shower curtain blocks out light. So, you are essentially shaving in the dark. The other day I was trying to shave my legs, when I cut myself (because I couldn't see what I was doing), then stepped back in pain and got wrapped up in the shower curtain on three sides. Then I slipped on some soap and almost fell out of the tub. After that I gave up. I left the shower with one bloody leg, one hairy leg, and a hair full of shampoo. Later, after I calmed down, I asked my mom why the shower curtain blows full force into the shower.....she answered "because its cheap". Now you may ask why you would continue to put up with a shower curtain that was so cheap that it blows into the shower and sticks to your soapy body.....but if I were to ask that, she would probably mumble something about to me about how it must be nice to have so much money. When she said "because its cheap" , she said it with a straigh face, but also gave me a look that I interpreted to say "who is this daughter of mine that would have the nerve to complain about a shower curtain, she must be made of money". So, now I just take a shower everyday and mumble and curse in there. My legs are stubbly, my hair dull, and body caked with old soap. But I march on.


I was thinking yesterday......when did bridal and baby showers get so out of control? I've been invited to and attended several showers in the last couple of years and they seem to get bigger and bigger. Now, lets just say for the record that I love each of these new mommies and brides and wish them every happiness. But what I'm saying is that they are out of control. Some examples follow, names and likenesses are changed to protect the innocence.

One of the brides I know had 4 bridal showers. Now who needs four showers? She had a standard bridal shower, a lingerie shower, a tool shower for her husband, and a kitchen shower. Then she had a baby a couple of years later and had several baby showers. One at home, one at work, and one at the gym. Another women I know had 4 kids......she had a shower for at least three of them. The last baby shower was held at restaurant for her "close friends". She and her husband showed up, opened presents and were treated to a fine lunch. I never saw any of those presents again. One of her friends bought the whole crib layette, but the couple never put the crib together. I never did see the $300 stroller we bought her.....I think she returned it. But, what I couldn't understand was why she had to have a shower to begin with....she already had 2 kids under 6 years old. One of my other friends had a baby shower for 65 people at a very nice restuarant. I was very civilzed and controlled. She received EVERYTHING on her registry. She spent 3 1/2 hours opening presents while I felt like my head was going to explode. Oh, I forgot to tell you that we were required to bring a onsie for the baby that we decorated ourselves. If you have ever bought onsies you know that they only come in packages of 3 or more. She actually had a basket on the table for the extras incase you wanted bring them. (she mentioned something about donating them to charity....) I thought that was a bit much considering the $6,000 worth of merchandise sitting in front of her. But who am I to judge?

Now I am going to sound like an old person here....but when I was growing up, bridal showers were for kitchen stuff and baby showers for little onsies and blankets. You sat around eating sandwiches and having iced tea in someones house on a Saturday. But, today, these things are big events, often at a hall or restaurant. The bride or new mommie goes to several stores to pick out things that we are expected to buy her. No longer is it enough to buy her a blender or blanket.......noooooooo......if you bring a gift under $50 your lucky to get a thank you card. I ask you.....I ask you, when did it become our responsibility to buy everything for these lucky ladies? What happened to going out and buying it yourself? Baby showers bring $300 strollers, 600 count cotton sheets, designer baby bags. Bridal showers bring $200 coffee pots, waffle makers, bread makers, and deviled egg plates.

Then there are the extras. At bridal showers we have a wishing well (for whatever the bride wants us to put in there), Christmas ornament trees, recipe books,lingerie corner, etc. These of course are all on top of the expensive Williams and Sonoma pasta maker you just bought her. As if she will use the pasta maker. I have yet to know a bride who uses her "makers" on a regular basis, or ever eats on her fine china.

At baby showers there is a diaper tree, bottle box, binky bag, book well, wishing well (for trinkets and stuff). This, like the bridal shower is on top of the $75 Baby Bijorn you just bought her. The one you see Brad Pitt using but rarely see your friends using. The one good thing about baby showers is that you at least know that the baby will probably be using the $5000 worth of merchandise spent on it a the shower. Although, I don't know if a diaper wipe warmer is actually something that is needed. But of course this is all my opinion.

Then, when the day actually arrives for the shower the bride or mommie shows up and pretends like she didn't know this day was coming. Like she hadn't planned it out in her head for months. But, now a days, most of the lucky ladies plan their own showers right along side of the the person actually paying for the shower. Everything is coordinated right down to the menu and colors. Then there are the games............I won't even get into that today.

The thing are probably saying I'm jealous....damn right I am. I didn't get a bridal all fairness there wasn't really a wedding. And my baby shower was very small...back in the day when people didn't expect all their friends and families to outfit the whole baby. When my M was born 9 years ago, you were happy with what you received. One of the best presents I received was a blanket made by my late Aunt. Then whatever I didn't get I bought myself or borrowed. But then again.....who am I to judge right?

The bottom line is.....I know your all with me on this one. As much as you can't admit it out're with me.

Monday, September 3, 2007

New school

Madison started school last week and is loving it. Unlike our last school district, she actually has art, music, computer, and Spanish classes. They are also required to learn an instrument and play in the orchestra. That last part should be interesting. But, overall she loved it and made lots of new friends. We still haven't tried taking the bus yet, so she'll try it this week. Its a little nervewracking for her but all the kids take the bus! So, we'll see what happens.

more things I've noticed

Ambulances......In LA if an ambulance is driving by at high speed with its lights flashing and horns blaring, people STOP or pull over. People here don't do that? I almost got hit the other day when I pulled aside for an ambulance. Apparently the driver behind me had never seen this type of behavior before and actually gave me the finger when he passed by me, cutting off the ambulance. I was in shock. Its a weird thing......they don't have paid fireman here, so its all volunteers. Now, don't get me wrong....I think anyone that is willing to run into a burning building and not get paid for it must be either a saint (or somewhat demented:)) But, the thing is.....these are guys that are at their normal jobs and when the call comes in, they have to take am assuming that the response time to your burning house must be slow. They have to run out of work, get to the firehouse, get changed, on the truck, then too your house. THEN.....if you were unlucky enough to sustain some sort of injury, you might not make it to the hospital because the idiots on the road won't pull over for you!

I'm doomed!


Sorry for the delay in posts but my computer has suffered a meltdown and is still trying to recover. I think I have the problem solved but only time will tell!!!!!