Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Attack of the shower curtain

My parents shower keeps attacking me. The shower in their house is small and cluttered. My mom, god love her, has every shower caddy known to man in that shower. Plus, she has some sort of cleaning device that sits on the shower head. This makes it so the water can only be sprayed in one direction.........the very back of the shower. Meanwhile the shower caddies are bumping you on the left. But the true torture is the shower curtain. While living in CA, I complained about shower doors all the time. In LA, shower doors are the norm. There really aren't any shower curtains. I would complain about the doors because they were hard to keep clean. I would go on and on about shower curtains and how lovely they were. Now I'm home and I almost died the other day because of a shower curtain. You see, my mom's shower curtain blows into the shower while you are in there. So, as you are soaping up the shower curtain keeps blowing in and sticking to you. Then you try to turn around and bump into on of the may shower caddies. Then, because you can only reach the water supply in the back of the shower, you get stuck to that part of the curtain as well. Meanwhile, the shower curtain blocks out light. So, you are essentially shaving in the dark. The other day I was trying to shave my legs, when I cut myself (because I couldn't see what I was doing), then stepped back in pain and got wrapped up in the shower curtain on three sides. Then I slipped on some soap and almost fell out of the tub. After that I gave up. I left the shower with one bloody leg, one hairy leg, and a hair full of shampoo. Later, after I calmed down, I asked my mom why the shower curtain blows full force into the shower.....she answered "because its cheap". Now you may ask why you would continue to put up with a shower curtain that was so cheap that it blows into the shower and sticks to your soapy body.....but if I were to ask that, she would probably mumble something about to me about how it must be nice to have so much money. When she said "because its cheap" , she said it with a straigh face, but also gave me a look that I interpreted to say "who is this daughter of mine that would have the nerve to complain about a shower curtain, she must be made of money". So, now I just take a shower everyday and mumble and curse in there. My legs are stubbly, my hair dull, and body caked with old soap. But I march on.


Lola said...

This is horrible and I really do feel for you, but you paint quite an amusing picture.

Maybe as a "thanks for letting us stay here" gift you could re-do the shower for your mother? Get her some nice shower curtains (I thought even the cheap ones had magnets in the bottom that held them to the side of the tub), and a giant master shower caddy to consolidate everything into?


Amy said...

Those are all really great suggestions, but my mom would not see them as a gift....rather a critism of her shower. I'm better off in the long run suffering!